Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mega dump: The prequel.

The upside of me not posting very much, is that when I finally do, I have tons to post. Ill do one or two a day while I'm getting them all cropped and pasted together.
I take all the drawings and sketches I've done since the last post (which looks like it was about two months ago, not the girl with the eggplant but the stuff before that, the framed stuff) and pick out all the pages with the best looking stuff, maybe like half the portable sketchbook stuff ( I love my little customized 9x11 sketchbook, but it just feels so cramped. I feel like a lot of the work I do in it is a little sub par and when I'm doing plein aire sketching it gets even worse. Too bad that's the stuff everyone looks at, "ooh, can I see your sketchbook?")
Then I scanned all the pages and copy pasta'd the stuff I like into categories like 'faces' or 'poses' which are then mashed together into a kinda collage of sketchy.
And boom, you get something like this.

Click. It gets bigger.

So that's the first finished one. Random stuff from the t-shirt project mark 4, and the Zombie Tat project. More as its finished.

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